Tuesday 18 August 2015

When I was HR Director for the National Trust for Scotland I was afforded the opportunity to train as a Workplace Mediator. The training with ACAS was both challenging and rewarding and I learnt much about the power of mediation to resolve certain workplace disputes between colleagues. Further, that unlike other methods which attempt resolution Mediation could deliver a “win” for both parties as well as the organisation itself.

Needless to say, workplace disputes can be costly. The emotional toll on the individuals themselves can be high and the damage to wider team and organisation can be significant. Formal processes, such as discipline and grievance may be appropriate to use dependant on the circumstances, however, they invariably deliver a “Win-Lose” or “Lose-Lose” scenario. Where a positive and ongoing working relationship is required between colleagues at dispute, then Mediation can prove a valuable option to find a realistic and practical way forward.

Since successfully completing my Mediation training, I have gained substantial practical experience across the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. For example, most recently, I have had the privilege to work with both Glasgow University and Victim Support Scotland to resolve workplace disputes via Mediation. I take pleasure in providing below one of the testimonials received in relation to the service provided.

Should you have a damaging dispute between colleagues in your organisation and seek a positive way forward, then please give me a buzz to discuss on 0131 341 2550. We can then consider, in confidence, whether or not Mediation might be appropriate in an effort to resolve.

Kind regards,

Chartered Fellow of the CIPD and Oxford Cambridge & RSA Accredited Workplace Mediator.

“We used the services of George Wilson from Online HR to help deal with the aftermath of a grievance situation that involved a line manager and one of her team.

George provided mediation support which involved one to one meetings and a subsequent group meeting, with the consent of the parties.
George secured a way forward with both parties committing to a written agreement. This in turn has had a positive impact on the working environment.

Online HR provided a professional and cost effective solution that met our need, within the required timeframe. Follow up support was very good both in terms of the HR team and the individuals involved.”

Andy Heapy, Director, People Development, Victim Support Scotlandwww.victimsupportsco.org.uk

Friday 7 August 2015

August e-Newsletter

Attached is a link to our "August e-Newsletter" providing details of a selection of HR Professionals actively seeking new roles.

If you would like to be considered for inclusion in a future edition, please let us know. 

Many thanks!